Sunday, April 27, 2003



As adopted at the Annual National Conference held on the 25th – 27th April 2003, at Piet Retief in the Republic of South Africa.

Year of the People’s manifesto:
20 years of popular struggles for democracy, social justice and people’s power in Swaziland

“In any struggle it is important to recognise the critical moment, the time when decisive action can propel the struggle into a new phase…and when the moment of revolution arrives, only a political organisation which has been with the people through all their earlier experiences can hope to command their support”

PUDEMO President, Cde Mario Masuku - Political Report to the Conference


We, the popular assembly of the struggling masses of Swaziland, committed to the liberation of the oppressed people of Swaziland, hereby adopt these resolutions, as a practical elaboration of the People’s manifesto and pledge to work together, using our organised strength to implement them
and guarantee our ultimate victory. In doing so, we are inspired by the following background:

Our people want freedom now. The want to govern and decide the future of their country today and not tomorrow. They have lost all patience with the ideas that their liberation can be postponed for any reason whatsoever. To them, life means dignity and happiness, and for that, they are prepared to sacrifice.

For 20 years now, PUDEMO has been in the forefront of organised resistance against; poverty, violence against women and children, the abuse of Swazi culture for narrow selfish royal interests, HIV and AIDS pandemic, landlesness, unemployment, expensive education and health fees, poor working conditions, in one word; the permanent crisis of the tinkhundla regime. In doing so, PUDEMO has been correctly expressing the will of the
poor and struggling masses of Swaziland, as the leader of their movement for change.

In this regard, we who are gathered here are the trusted sons and daughters of these heroic masses, the vanguard of the broad movement for democracy in Swaziland. We are assembled to launch a People’s offensive against 30 years of royal slavery and tinkhundla oppression in Swaziland.

“The eyes of the people and the rest of the world, both friend and enemy, are focussed on this movement. That is so because the crime of tinkhundla has persisted for far too long. Almost everywhere people are convinced that this marks the beginning of the end of tinkhundla. Everyone recognises that the pioneer of the Swazi revolution, PUDEMO, is and will be at the centre of the process which will result in the overthrow of tinkhundla and the elimination of the crime of royal supremacy”
(6th General Congress declaration of SWAYOCO)

Table of contents:

Political Resolutions
Organisation-building Resolutions
Resolutions on Finance and resource-mobilisation
International Resolutions
Special Resolution on the War in Iraq
By-elections of the National Executive Committee

Political Resolutions

Noting that;

The tinkhundla regime is facing a deep and permanent crisis forcing the royal regime to attempt to overhaul the system
The crisis of the system gives rise to on-going struggle and expose the contradictions of the regime The tinkhundla regime has a well-oiled machinery in financial and political terms, owing to their control of the state apparatus, particularly the security forces, civil service, key sectors of the economy and a traditional base of loyalists The land crisis have deepened in the country and the mass of the rural poor and working people of Swaziland are united in their struggle to resist the onslaught;
Mass action inspired by workers, youth, communities, as well as civic and political organisations has made it clear that the people cannot be excluded from deciding the future of their country;
The political balance of forces have never been so favourable in the country, which opens space for intensified mass action and organisation of the people.

Further noting that;

The forces of democracy, political and otherwise, are not yet in a position to seriously challenge for power although large sections of our people clearly see the tinkhundla regime as having no legitimacy. We are therefore near, yet so far form our goal of democracy Major forces internationally and regionally are seeking a way in which to effect a compromise between the contending forces, which might not necessarily be favourable to the long-term interests of the poor masses The tinkhundla regime is daily accepting that it can not rule in the old way anymore as the people demand what rightfully belongs to them.

Believing that;

The decisive moment is upon Swaziland and the need for quality leadership of the forces of struggle is critical There is an urgent need to co-ordinate all the massive efforts of the
struggling people of Swaziland into a single major movement for
fundamental change and democracy, by uniting all these struggles into one movement.

Therefore resolved;

To organise as matter of priority, all the masses into forums and structures of mass resistance, for effective participation in the national struggle for democracy;

To simplify and distribute our documents, particularly by translating them into Siswati, for effective understanding by the mass of the rural and working people of our country;

To develop immediately, Propaganda units in all structures to co-ordinate the work of communication and information to and from the masses. This shall ensure that PUDEMO really speak on behalf of, and for the overwhelming majority of our people;

To intensify the Land to the People - Umhlaba awubuyele kubantfu Campaign of the movement in order to mobilise the mass of the rural people around their own interests and issues of central importance to their own lives;

To build the public image of PUDEMO and to profile its leadership and documents as the real alternative, understood and accepted by the majority of the people of Swaziland

To ensure the full and effective understanding of the fundamental elements of our political vision as;
Building PUDEMO’s political capacity to lead the masses
Mass mobilisation and a culture of democracy in our society
Gender equality and land reform as central elements of social
transformation Development through growth and redistribution of the economy International solidarity for democracy in Swaziland, sovereign development in Africa and justice in global governance.

To mandate the NEC to ensure that the office of the President, within a month from now, establish a Liberation Council, to develop a clear, practical and time-framed liberation programme, ensuring the effective and full implementation of the four pillars of our struggle;

To mandate the NEC to ensure that the SDA is built as a political front for the democratisation of Swaziland, through convening an urgent forum of all stakeholders to deliberate seriously about the future of the SDA and the whole struggle of Swaziland;

To mandate the NEC to urgently meet with the leadership of the SFTU, to iron out a few issues concerning the pace, direction and future of the Swazi struggle, particularly the contribution that these two organisations can and must make, in close co-operation with all structures of the mass democratic movement organised under the auspices of the SDA;

To ensure a Political education manual is finalised and ready for use by the end of June for the organisation of standardised political education classes

To ensure the NEC, RECs, BECs and the leagues of PUDEMO organise and co-ordinate a sustained movement for political education, within and outside PUDEMO structures, in order to organise for the mass rejection of tinkhundla through mass awareness of issues;

To organise Induction classes for all new and non-inducted members of PUDEMO, monthly in all structures, so as to instill a clear understanding of the objectives of PUDEMO and the Swazi struggle in general, as well as to ensure a cadreship rooted in traditions of discipline and political maturity;

To facilitate the work of building a socio-economic justice and civic movement, so as to organise the mass of the people around their own issues in communities and in their places of work, learning, entertainment and general occupation, as sites of struggle. Central to this movement are issues of; poverty and the struggle for dignity of rural people, unemployment and social security for all, health and access to treatment for all, gender and women’s struggles, land and agrarian reform, etc.

Further resolved;

To re-affirm our fundamental perspectives and commitment to a
democratically elected Constituent Assembly, preceded by a national Convention of all stakeholders and supported by the international community, as a pre-condition for the resolution of the Political and Constitutional crisis in the country;

To re-affirm our rejection of the royal-supervised tinkhundla elections and call for multiparty democracy as the foundation for any serious and legitimate electoral process in Swaziland;

To demand the unbanning of political parties and the full participation of civil society in any process as the basic yardstick for real advance to democracy in Swaziland.

To re-commit ourselves to the basic thrust of a transformation process in Swaziland underpinned by the perspectives as outlined in the Strategy and tactics document of PUDEMO adopted in 2001, under the topic; “the character of the transitional period in Swaziland”, as well as the historical document of PUDEMO entitled, “the wayforward towards a Constituent assembly through a negotiated settlement”;

To convene a PUDEMO Constitutional workshop to finalise the process started by the organisation in the early nineties and to consolidate its progressive perspective, particularly after the scenario analysis made at the Conference by delegates, and then popularise these perspectives;

Organisation-building Resolutions

Noting that;

PUDEMO is commemorating its 20th anniversary this year and that the movement has passed the test of time, with its cadres having been through the trials and tribulations in the forefront of the Swazi people’s struggle;
This year should be dedicated to the memory of our fallen heroes and heroines, for their remarkable sacrifices till the end;
20 years of struggle presents both opportunities and challenges to PUDEMO, as the struggle of the people has heightened to its peak and requires even firmer and bold leadership
PUDEMO’s capacity to lead the masses in frontline trenches of struggle has been stretched, thus requiring serious organisation-building work;
The re-launch of the Women’s league of PUDEMO as a significant step in the history of the struggle for the liberation of women and all efforts must be made to strengthen and support the work done

Further noting that;

Communication remains a serious problem within PUDEMO structures, between the organisation and the mass of the people of Swaziland, as well as with the international community;
There is no respect for organisational culture and activities of PUDEMO by some of its members and structures, which promotes a culture of non-compliance and lack of effective participation in the daily work of PUDEMO Leaders and structures are no accountable and do not report-back to proper structures on their activities Discipline is a still a very serious matter that needs particular attention in PUDEMO structures at all levels, which is linked to the issue of building a new and politically mature cadre, inspiring confidence and representing the future society we are in the process of building;
Gender relations within the organisation require serious improvement, so that women comrades can feel at home in PUDEMO, personally and politically, as PUDEMO must work to champion their interests and fight sexism and discrimination in all its forms, in the organisation and society as whole;
Branches and regions of PUDEMO are still very weak and an aggressive effort is required to change this unacceptable scenario through an aggressive effort and vigorous organisational strategy

Believing that;

PUDEMO still remains the most credible and viable political vehicle for change in Swaziland, enjoying the overwhelming support of the struggling masses of the country, as well as unequalled international recognition PUDEMO has the most extensive network of political structures in and outside Swaziland, therefore capable of marshalling the widest possible
support for the cause of democracy and change in Swaziland, through proper co-ordination and boldness of leadership
PUDEMO has started a very intensive process of organisational renewal, led by the office of the Secretary General, which has, up to so far, yielded enormous fruits and has been able to position the movement properly in the unfolding situation in the country, not without its own limitations, of course.

Therefore resolved;

To organise popular commemoration events for the 20th anniversary of PUDEMO throughout all structures of the movement, in and outside the country, which shall culminate into the 6th July activities which mark the actual day of PUDEMO’s birth.

To ensure the involvement of the mass of the people in the activities organised for this day, in recognition of the fact that this is not just about the history of PUDEMO as an organisation, but really about the history of struggle and resistance against royal slavery and tinkhundla tyranny by the masses themselves under the heroic leadership of PUDEMO, as
their vanguard;

To further ensure that in recognition and celebration of these 20 years of steadfast and consistent struggles, PUDEMO must fast track the process of organisational renewal and cadreship development at all levels for quality leadership;

To establish a National General Council (NGC) as an upgraded model of the former Inter-regional forum, which shall continue to exist and operate in the office of NOS, as an organising body, while the National General Council shall meet every six months and be constituted by the NEC, all RECs, two delegates per BEC, the leagues (SWAYOCO & the WL), sector representatives for special interests (rural, academic, sports, religious,
business, etc), deployees of the movement and selected cadres of PUDEMO operating in different sites of struggles, as shall be determined by the NEC.

To ensure that the NGC is tasked with the responsibility of promoting regular reporting by NEC members on progress relating to their specific and individual departments, as well as the progress of the NEC as a collective.

To effect the policy of PUDEMO as stated by the constitution of PUDEMO which outlines clearly that any member of the NEC or subsidiary structure of the movement, who miss three consecutive meetings without offering a valid excuse, shall forfeit his position. Therefore, the problem of people missing important meetings and not prioritising the work of PUDEMO should be dealt with in accordance with the documents of the movement;

To promote the election of leadership into PUDEMO positions through a proper process of screening and that certain basic principles apply, amongst them; regularity in PUDEMO activities, consistent participation in the work of the organisation, branch membership, up-to-date subscription records and respect for PUDEMO tasks and policies;

To ensure that PUDEMO-SWAYOCO-Women’s League structures meet regularly, in the Form of a Leadership Forum or Summit quarterly, to assess progress and co-ordinate work amongst these structures, so as to build support and co-operation amongst them.

Further resolved;

To organise vibrant debates on political and policy matters within and outside structures of the organisation, so that policy outcomes are a real _expression of the full participation of all our members and the people of Swaziland as a whole, in deciding the future of their country and people.

To promote tolerance and differing views, whilst sticking to fundamental principles central to the interests of the poor, which also includes respect for each other and unity in diversity;

To finalise the organisation’s code of conduct in order to establish standard norms and acceptable behaviour in our organisation and society in general;

To ensure all RECs organise induction workshops before the Policy Conference in September, to ensure systematic leadership building and shared vision of the organisation by all its members and society as a whole;

To ensure every member of PUDEMO, particularly leaders, must have a traceable base and branch, to which s/he account for his/her daily contribution to PUDEMO and the struggle as a whole;

To ensure PUDEMO NEC develop a Gender manual to guide structures of the movement on the work of gender development and social consciousness in general, with the women’s league being central to its development;

To ensure that all structures of PUDEMO; NEC, RECs, and BECs must have effective communication centres and strategy for the effective distribution of information to all members of PUDEMO regularly and on time;

To mandate the Office of the President to establish a Presidential Forum, comprising of all regional chairpersons and their deputies to formulate strategies of effective leadership and cohesion in the organisation.
Presidents and deputies of the leagues should also form part of this structure;

To mandate the office of the Secretary General to establish a Secretariat Forum, which involves all regional secretaries and their Deputies, to work out a strategy of organisation-building, communication and co-ordination of work. Secretaries General of the Leagues and their deputies should also form part of this body;

To ensure that all the other departments of PUDEMO develop such
structures and Forums, so as to allow for the proper co-ordination of all activities and accountability of all structures on progress;

To ensure that all structures of PUDEMO support the work of the women’s league and actively participate in the mobilisation of women, particularly the recruitment of working class women, as the most central pillar of this movement;

To ensure that all RECs of PUDEMO should have annual calendar of
activities to guarantee proper planning and organised work;

To any member of PUDEMO, SWAYOCO, the Women’s League and the Swazis who are in the SSN, who is disciplined by one of these structures shall cease to enjoy participation or any benefit in all of the structures. In this regard, a disciplinary process in one of these organisations has the same effect in any of these others;

To encourage members of PUDEMO to belong to, and actively participate in civil society structures and community organisations, particularly churches, cultural organisations, social and civic movements, educational and academic bodies, residents associations, youth and students organisations, co-operatives and women’s organisations, trade unions, etc;

To ensure that all branches of PUDEMO conduct monthly political education classes and induction courses for new members on amongst other things;
The history of PUDEMO and the struggle for democracy in Swaziland,
The colours and emblem of PUDEMO and what they stand for,
Theory of organisation-building and mass mobilisation,
The political economy of Swaziland,
Social issues and campaigns (HIV/AIDS, poverty, land ownership patterns in
Swaziland, free education campaign, access to health and treatment),
Working class struggle, trade union theory and the history of may day,
Gender equality and the struggle for women’s emancipation,
Culture, the development of ideas and social consciousness, and,
International solidarity.

To refer constitutional amendments to the Policy Conference in September, 2003. All structures; RECs, SWAYOCO, Women’s league, etc are expected to prepare, in writing, their inputs, which must reflect their discussions and preparedness. They should submit to the office of the Secretary General as soon as possible.

To ensure that all regions of PUDEMO have the capacity to carry out programmes and campaigns of the movement, while also ensuring that implementation of these resolutions is consistent.

To convene a national implementation Workshop on these resolutions for the internalisation of these outcomes by regions and branches, as well as the leagues of PUDEMO. Regions and branches shall also ensure the same in their own spheres of work.

To ensure that by July, 2003 PUDEMO should have developed an
Implementation strategy, which shall outline clearly the targets, time-frames and monitoring, as well as evaluation mechanisms.

Resolutions on Finance and the mobilisation of resources

Noting that;

PUDEMO use a hand-to-mouth or survivalist strategy to finance programmes, such that it does not have a clearly co-ordinated and coherent fundraising programme, with clear time-frames and targets;
The process of accountability needs further improvement and proper accounting, recording and management systems be put in place soonest;
Programmes of the movement are frustrated by lack of resources, hence the slow progress in the implementation of PUDEMO programmes on the ground;
PUDEMO structures, particularly the Lubombo region, played an outstanding role in the sustenance of the Masuku family during the difficult times when the President – Cde Mario Masuku was in jail, which must be acknowledged and dearly appreciated, as well as other individual comrades, in and outside the country who made remarkable contributions;
There is a need to ensure that all financial contributions are given to appropriate structures for proper recording and to avoid undermining structures dealing with such matters, in the future;

Believing that;

PUDEMO must be financially independent and self-sufficient, if it is to be able to assert its political and organisational independence;
PUDEMO must rely, first and foremost, on internal capacity building to harness the massive resource potential within the organisation, in order to build a strong base for further fundraising and capacity building towards effective resource management and organisational development;
Resources play a critical role in determining both the pace and direction of struggle, such that the urgency of their mobilisation has reached a crisis point.

Further believing that;

For PUDEMO, resources means more than just money, but everything that is useful or add value to the work of the organisation, be it; human, financial, material or natural.

Therefore resolved:

To mandate the NEC, through the office of the Treasurer, to develop a well co-ordinated and time-framed finance and fundraising policy of PUDEMO;

To organise a FINANCE workshop with all regions and leagues of PUDEMO, not later than July this year, for purposes of developing a well co-ordinated machinery at all levels;

To ensure that the National Finance Policy that must be developed should clarify amongst others; proper accounting procedures, targets, time-frames, periodic auditing of PUDEMO accounts, management and finance systems, capacity building, internal collections and subscriptions, investment and fundraising mechanisms, etc.

To establish a Finance Committee (FINCOM) to lead the processes of fundraising and finance management in the organisation. It may have the two divisions namely;
Investment and long-term projects
Fundraising and short-term projects for immediate and on-going needs of PUDEMO

To ensure properly audited statements are presented in the next Financial Reports of the Treasurer, clearly outlining the income and expenditure breakdowns;

To ensure PUDEMO has annual budgets, particularly at National and Regional Levels, indicating; plans of the year, available resources, potential and real sources of funding, as well as plans to make up for the unavailable resources;

Further resolved that;

The task of fundraising and finance mobilisation is a political
responsibility and must be given the serious attention it deserves by all cadres and structures of PUDEMO.

International Resolutions

Noting that;

International work is a pillar of our struggle and very central to our victory;
The international mission of PUDEMO has grown from strength to strength and by leaps and bounds, which has put our struggle at an unprecedented level of recognition internationally;
Our South African allies, particularly the ANC, SACP, COSATU and all structures of the mass democratic movement, have displayed outstanding internationalism in support of our cause, which has inspired us to intensify our struggle in the home front;
The international balance of forces have never been so favourable to our struggle, which opens space for more advances, whilst also presenting dangers for PUDEMO and the democratic movement in general, as regards the dominance of neo-liberalism and the advocating of political democracy without economic content, which may compromise our fundamental principles
Matters of discipline and proper representation need to be emphasised to our international ambassadors, as well as the need for effective regulation and monitoring of work performance, which requires that such matters receive priority status in the structures of the movement.
Recognise the tremendous achievements of the PUDEMO mission to Europe led by President Mario Masuku at the end of last year, and work to take forward the successes and programmes arising from that mission.
SWAYOCO’s effective utilisation of its international affiliations and associations to advance the struggle of Swaziland.

Further noting,

The African continent is undergoing a serious process of fundamental transformation and democratisation, hence the continental initiatives; the African Union (AU) and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), particularly the peer review mechanism, as instruments and space
for the advancement of the agenda for democracy and development in Africa.

Believing that;

For us as PUDEMO, international solidarity is more than just the active mobilisation of people to support the Swazi cause, but fundamentally, it is about working together with our allies all over the world to build a better world, and to bring to an end the suffering of people everywhere.

The international solidarity mission of PUDEMO must play a central role in the mobilisation of resources for the struggle at this juncture.
The International mission of PUDEMO and the Swaziland Solidarity Network have played an important role in the active mobilisation of support for PUDEMO and the Swazi struggle in general
Exemplary discipline is required of all PUDEMO members, inside and outside the country and appropriate steps should be taken firmly and timeously to intervene in areas where such standards are not satisfactory.
The Socialist International (SI) is the most representative international body of progressive organisations, whose affiliations include; ANC, SWAPO, FRELIMO and a host of other progressive organisations in Africa and beyond.

Therefore resolved;

To develop an International Policy framework, to act as a guide for PUDEMO in its approaches to international matters, outlining its principles and objectives regarding international work, as well as guiding the work of our international representatives in terms of correct political associations and code of acceptable behaviour as ambassadors of the democracy-loving people of Swaziland;

To join the SI as an expression of our commitment to the task of building a just and democratic world, as well as to work closer with our international allies, particularly in the Southern African region, who are part of this movement;

To arrange several briefing missions of PUDEMO to other parts of the world, not least in Europe, USA and throughout the African continent, with Southern Africa as a our priority area of operation;

To mandate the NEC of PUDEMO, in liaison with appropriate structures of the movement outside the country and the SSN, to work on the issue of proper discipline of all cadres and structures of the movement, particularly outside the country;

To actively make full use of the platform and space provided by the continental initiatives; AU and NEPAD for the advancement of the Swazi struggle for democracy. We also seek to mobilise the mass of the people of Swaziland to actively participate in the movement for Africa’s renewal;

To call on all multilateral institutions and organisations to support the cause of the people of Swaziland for democracy by suspending Swaziland and isolating the tinkhundla regime, as well as to expose the double standards governing world affairs. In particular to expose the hypocritic role of such countries as; Britain, Israel and Taiwan in the affairs of Swaziland,
as well as the commonwealth, which support the agenda of the tinkhundla system for the renewal of oppression against the people of Swaziland;

To ensure that comrades who are forced to leave Swaziland, because of the brutality of the state and a threat to their lives, are regulated by the NEC and are properly accredited to become exiles in their countries of refuge, with the full assistance of PUDEMO international mission and allies. In this regard, no comrade who holds citizenship of another ountry should be accredited as an exile, subject to specific
considerations by the NEC;

To encourage more international bodies and institutions to send
fact-finding missions to Swaziland to expose the reality of the situation and brutality of the tinkhundla regime to the world, and to work on systematic information dissemination to international role players;

To prepare a case against the Swazi regime to be filed in international bodies, particularly the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACPHR) in conjunction with local and international institutions;

To support the struggles of fellow oppressed people in Western Sahara, Sudan, Palestine and other parts of the world for self-determination, democracy and human dignity;

To support the worldwide movement against women and children abuse, as well as the struggle for social justice in global affairs. In this regard, the ILO conventions and other UN instruments must be enforced to protect the dignity of women and children, not least in Swaziland;

To call on the UN to enforce the effective adherence of Israel to UN resolutions, particularly concerning the withdrawal from the occupied territories and the ultimate advance towards the creation of an independent Palestinian state.

To support the call for the cancellation of the third world debt and the socio-economic justice movement against the unfair trade and economic practices;

To support the global efforts for environmental justice and the commitment to the preservation and protection of our natural heritage;

To support the call for pharmaceutical companies, governments and all role players to share the responsibility of fighting the HIV and AIDS pandemic. In this regard, the HIV and AIDS issue is more than just a health issue, but a political and economic issue which requires a deeper understanding of the link between general health and political issues in the world;

To support all international efforts against the arming of space, proliferation of nuclear weapons and degradation of the environment and call upon all democratic forces of the world to unite against all such threats to humanity;

To support the efforts aimed at bringing peace, democracy and development in Africa, in particular, the Great lakes region and call upon the UN to act speedily in support of the AU efforts for peace-keeping in the DRC;

To call for the implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) outcomes and to make available the requisite resources for development, particularly in the poor countries of the world, which are largely found in the Sub-Sahara region, whilst at the same time ensuring that corrupt elites are not in a position to access and abuse these resources, meant for the poor;

To organise a NEPAD workshop for PUDEMO members and leaders, so that the processes unfolding can be properly understood by the movement and all the people of Swaziland;

To formalise the establishment of an international affairs office in PUDEMO structures, to effectively harness all the international activities of PUDEMO.


“Who can deny that the decisive moment is upon Swaziland, that moment which in every revolution must be seized with firmness by the forces of revolution to carry out the task of ultimately liquidating the system of oppression, and in its place beginning the protracted battle of building a new and democratic society.”
Cde Mario Masuku

Special Resolution on the US-led war against Iraq


The unilateral and uni-polar world order founded on the basis of forced compliance with the powers that be and the rule of the mighty.


That the world order must be changed to become democratic, just and driven by the principles of; multilateralism, respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty of all states, particularly small countries, without forfeiting the responsibility to ensure democracy and respect for human
rights within these states.

Therefore, resolved

To support the worldwide peace and democracy movement and the call for a halt to the sharply increasing military expenditures, so as to spend more resources on the needs of the people in all countries of the world.

To condemn the use of force in resolving international disputes and the unilateralism of powerful countries to the detriment of legitimate international bodies such as the UN multilateral processes.

To condemn the war in Iraq as an _expression of imperialism, which has nothing to do with democracy and enforcement of UN resolutions.

To call for the application of same standards in the call for democracy in the world, so that the pressure for democracy in Swaziland is as much as that in Zimbabwe, the pressure for democracy in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan is as much as that in Iraq, and other such examples, which have become the main centres of gravity on the international political stage.

To call for the demonstration of seriousness on the part of all players in the middle east crisis, particularly the powers of the world must demonstrate more will to resolve seriously the question of bringing about peace and reprimanding the sub-imperialist aggression of Israel in that region.

To call for the standard definition of terrorism and the application of fair standards in the course of the war against terrorism, and not its use as a weapon to hunt down regimes that are not in good standing with the powers of the world.

By-elections of the vacant NEC positions

One of the tasks of this Conference was to fill-in the vacant positions in the National Executive Committee (NEC). Therefore, the following were filled as follows:

Deputy President – Cde Jabulane Arafat Matsebula
National Organising Secretary – Cde Dumsile Mavuso
Treasurer General – The Deputy Treasurer, Cde Dumezweni Dlamini shall continue to act as Treasurer of the organisation.

Therefore, the National Executive Committee (NEC) of PUDEMO stands as follows:

President – Cde Mario Masuku
Deputy President – Cde Jabulane Matsebula
Secretary General – Cde IB Dlamini
Deputy Secretary General – Cde Kislon Shongwe
Deputy Treasurer and acting Treasurer General – Cde Dumezweni Dlamini
National Organising Secretary – Cde Dumsile Mavuso

Plus the ex-officio members:

SWAYOCO President
SWAYOCO Secretary General
Women’s League President
Women’s league Secretary General
Chairpersons of all four regions

NB: Since the constitutional amendments were referred to the September Policy Conference, the positions relating to the specific portfolios could not be finalised.

Forward to the Year of the People’s offensive for democracy!


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